We help you transform

your finance department.

Let's change your finance department to become more agile, data-driven, and automated to offer timely and accurate business insights.

Improve performance of your finance team and streamline the processes

Does your monthly closing take too long and you don't have relevant information about your business in time? Is Controlling providing you with unclear and inaccurate answers to your questions?

We will analyze your situation, identify together the bottlenecks and unnecessary steps in your processes and propose solutions to achieve greater efficiency. We will document the processes designed for your future needs to achieve consistency and minimize room for errors.

We'll set up your controlling methodology and reporting dimensions in the ERP system to make your business more transparent and enable you to manage it effectively.

Move beyond the spreadsheets

Does your finance team spend most of their productive time repetitively processing data from different sources, cleaning it, and consolidating it in Excel? Is there not enough time left for them to analyze and use the data to your advantage? Together, we can change that.

We consider Excel spreadsheets to be the financial professional's best tool, but we also believe it's not the solution to every problem you have and that it's used where better solutions exist. Change the way you work and learn how to automate data handling and repetitive activity so that you can focus more on activities that add value to the business.

Simplify and automate your reporting

Are you overwhelmed with reports? Do they give different results and cause confusion across the company? Are they difficult and time-consuming to prepare and update?

Financial data can boggle many user's minds. Too many tables, with thousands of rows containing a huge number of financial metrics. Reporting set up in this way often brings more questions than answers.

Reporting defined by us will not overwhelm you, it will give you a timely and accurate view of the business and its development. We will set and define clear and measurable KPIs. Your employees will get a set of always up to date reports. We visualize the data and use it to tell a story so that your colleagues in other departments can also better understand your finances.

Automation has the power to change the way finance drives business forward, and in these days, full of constant changes, it can be the difference between success and failure.

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